Slides and videos

In this page we are including in a single place all presentation decks (available on SlideShare) and videos (posted on YouTube) for the talks of LKSE14.

Rikard Olsson

Beyond Budgeting

[slideshare id=35968848&doc=lkse14-rikard-olsson-beyond-budgeting-140617084315-phpapp01]

Håkan Forss

Are you too Busy to Improve?

[slideshare id=35351930&doc=egrtqvp2rrwaw6c2k6qw-140601055959-phpapp01]

Jasper Sonnevelt

We are getting so few complaints about you guys. There MUST be something wrong

[slideshare id=35974694&doc=lkse14-140617104859-phpapp02]

Joakim Sundén

Spotify – staying lean from small start-up through rapid growth

Pawel Brodzinski

Successful Evolutionary Change of Portfolio Management

[slideshare id=35318362&doc=portfoliokanbanlkse-140530171107-phpapp02]

Jabe Bloom

Decision Economies

[slideshare id=35973356&doc=cyetainlkse14-140617102053-phpapp01]

David J Anderson

Keynote: An Alternative Path to Agility

[slideshare id=34264894&doc=agileadriaaltpathtoagilityfitnessforpurpose-140504145647-phpapp01]

Lightning Talks

Luca Mascaro

Lean experience design
[slideshare id=35301268&doc=leanexperiencedesign-140530074900-phpapp01]

Giulio Roggero

Kanban Portfolio Management supported by Canvas, a Case Study
[slideshare id=35315814&doc=leankanbansoutherneurope2014v1-140530152323-phpapp02]

Gaetano Mazzanti

You Don’t Need to Change. Survival is Optional
[slideshare id=27807682&doc=lkukc9ss-131101065646-phpapp01]

Single video covering the Lighting Talks: